Dades personals

Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra

dimecres, de setembre 26, 2012

Let's play!

Exercici d'intuició i memòria completament impulsiu. Guasche sobre paper. 1 hora aproximadament, 21x29,7cm. A tots aquells que coneixeu poc o molt aquesta tècnica, us la re-recomano. Agafau-la amb carinyo, amb paciència, amb criteri, amb coneixement, i us donarà tot allò que busqueu.

To all artists and people who loves painting: Explore any techinque  you want and discover the magic it can give you. Last time I painted using guache it was long ago, and I kept a kind fear/respect to it. Even so, today I woke up with an extreme desire of getting out of the box those beatiful-filled-with-guasche tubes and let my instinct play. After an hour playing with contrasts, looking for silouhettes and some texture, only with one -too bigger- round brush, the image above was in front of me. I'm very proud, not because of the result, but for leaving back that fear I had inside with no sense. Of course I had no drawing or sketch at all. Sometimes it's funny to draw with the brush and that or that other color.

1 comentari:


I'm proud of you. Never stop the hunting of more and more "something".

Good bless the chickpea.